Month: December 2014
Psychological Science Wraps Up Fall Semester ’14 with Research Symposium
Fall semester ’14 culminated in Gustavus Adolphus College Psychological Science’s biannual research symposium. New this year were information tables from Psi Chi National Honor Society for Psychological Science majors and the Center for Developmental Science. A total of 17 research exhibits were presented to strong attendance. Research topics included studies on Career and Gender Bias, Gender Perceptions…
Psychological Science Alumna Kimberly Clayton ’13 Speaks to FTS Class
Hey everyone! For those of you who are just joining us, welcome to the psychological science blog and for those returning, welcome back. I had the pleasure of joining Dr. Lauren Hecht-Schroeder’s First Term Seminar class on November 19 to discuss the complexities of the Animal Mind. I was asked to join this class following…